Today’s Bulletin

The screen informs you: This collapsing earthshell.

No small matter to break from the glowing flesh. To become a malcontent ghost stalking the new ruins. It’s a painful and hysterical process. Even the centipedes retreat, conceding the ground to the termites. To their nostalgia TV and The Original Deluge of Cockroaches. It’s a painful and hysterical process. It leaks water and salt and it smells like Samuel Beckett’s buried raincoat. It makes noise. Sounds like breaking bones. Bedlam like the time lapsed rot of meat. Like the maggot and The Worm God Zero.

There was no nice nor pretty way to do this.

But it is done.

Before it is even started.

It is done.

this is not real

Today’s Bulletin: Gas Released as Part of Ongoing Project

SACRAMENTO, CA:  Early this morning, The Sacramento Center for Public Safety released a highly toxic gas over much of the city.


The gas is part of the city’s ongoing conceptual project to exaggerate the threat of terrorism. Residents are advised to remain indoors and under their family safety blankets until they hear the howling of nearby car alarms.

This is a live ammo exercise.


Today’s Bulletin: What Do Spiders See?

One step beyond the outer limits of the night gallery, 72 spiders gained preferential access to conscious perception in spider-phobic patients. You see what you fear.


But what do these spiders see?

Poachers using the geographical locations of newly discovered species released in peer-reviewed papers. Fourteen critically endangered orange-bellied parrots killed by rats at a captive breeding facility in Tasmania. A path of love-bombing and mind-control that only ends in utter chaos, confusion, loneliness and despair. A man dressed in sheepskins with jingling bells to make noise, celebrating the rituals of a pre-Roman machine cult.

What do they see?

We may never know.

Today’s Bulletin: Power Cost of Seasonal Standoff Revealed

A tense 654-hour standoff between police and a swarm of spectacular stinging jellyfish -weighing about 10 tons and adorned with 45,000 multi-colored LED lights— is a seasonal tradition that pumps roughly 54 tons of carbon into the atmosphere.


The Standoff is meant to pay tribute to a global takeover of our oceans by jellyfish, the species best adapted to replace those hit by over-fishing and climate change. During The Standoff, children often wear gelatinous medallions featuring the marine animals and some devout citizens proudly show off injuries on their hands, wrists and feet. These marks are acquired from sticking one’s limbs into tanks operated by licensed retailers in religious wounds. The service is available for a nominal fee. There is a raffle. The winner will dream of deep oceans where they will receive a dose of luminescent hallucinogens delivered through the caress of ancient oral arms. They may never wake up.

The ceremony begins when local SWAT teams attempt to execute a warrant and discover that the jellyfish may have a long gun and have barricaded themselves within a home. Once inside, the jellyfish use a coal powered lighting system tied to the Rockefeller Center grid. This results in about 22 tons of carbon emitted throughout the entire season, equivalent to the emissions emitted from driving about 80,000 miles in a NYC taxi.

The math is fairly straightforward. Each LED light operates at about 0.002 kWh per hour, so the current setup of 45,000 lights should come to approximately 107 kWh per hour total. Since the jellyfish will be lit for 654 hours this year, that’s around 70,038 kWh total. Coal-fired power stations release roughly 1.5 lbs. of carbon for every kWh, so we’ve got 108,588 lbs. of carbon, or 54 tons (give or take, depending on the number of coal-fired power stations that are actually contributing to the NYC grid).

The Standoff will end after a brief scuffle.

Today’s Bulletin: An Ongoing Struggle

Six vending machine schools have been shut down by The Growth Industry following an ongoing struggle between pollution and development. The Ongoing Struggle has resulted in unruly behavior and violent clashes, which hampered both shopping and learning.

Last week, some persons suspected to be members of a cult attacked the machines, all located at The Last Step before entry into The Geometric Cathedral of The American Highway. The cultists were said to have invaded the schools and attacked vending machines on sight.


During the last attack, on Tuesday, a machine attached to the school to enforce discipline was said to have been attacked and axed through the display screen, where it played live coverage of celebrity death hoaxes. The machine is recuperating in a poisoned chalice of of undisclosed locations.

Today’s Bulletin: Counterfeit Views Suspect

A DARK PLACE IN A BRIGHT LAND: A man faced criminal charges after The Authorities caught him making counterfeit views of The Milky Way shining over the disappearing glacier ice-caves of Mt. Hood.

These counterfeit documents are painfully intricate and drawn in one continuous line. They include a precise description of the suspect’s coffee stabilized brain and photographs of his clothes. Investigators have determined that he weighed 186 pounds and that he was wearing “flower socks,” a black and white “golf-style” hat, “nice clothes, and brown shoes.


The suspect went by the nickname “Freaky Exsurge Domine” and he was “possibly armed with a suspicious holiday package and a .22-caliber handgun that he kept in the rear pocket of his pants” police reported.

Awaiting charges, he has spent the last seventy two days in a Moroccan jail.

Today’s Bulletin: Impostor Eggs

The Nevada Highway carries dispatches from brood parasites and invasive fish to the coast of Florida and carries secret waste material from the 19th century to the excretory organs of the state; namely a deep geological repository storage facility for spent nuclear fuel and other high level radioactive waste in the Yucca Mountain.

Motels with their accompanying gas stations usually run along the side of a highway, where they are well protected from injury and, in them, hidden beneath one of the beds, there is an imposter mimicking an imposter. A little parasitic egg 3D printed to perfection. This egg is deeply placed within the motels. It is well supplied with nerve fibers.

The original impostor eggs are produced on Twitter by brood parasites—animals that rely on the parenting of another species to raise their young.

Details at 6:03.

Film Will Emerge at 11.

Today’s Bulletin: The Tattoos Contain

While adding another second to the clock, The International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems (IERS)uncovered an almost perfectly preserved human body below a layer of invented time.

atsushi-1Atsushi Koyama

Believed to be a herder or perhaps a chieftain from The Modern Era, the body was located beneath late June in the region of After Eight and appears to have been buried by a curved mass of quantum fluctuation, perhaps the result of a landslide. While death looks like it occurred almost instantly, the body shows signs of being ritually prepared for a long journey. It carries bangles, hunting tools and its skin is covered with more than 50 tattoos in the form of lines and crosses made up of small incisions in his skin into which charcoal was rubbed.

Each of these tattoos is a spreadsheet made of data tables (or matrices) containing millions or even hundreds of millions of rows and it appears that many other rows have been left out to reduce the size of the tattoos. This reduction allowed the matrices to fit on the skin and also created the smallest possible approximation of the original matrix that guarantees reliable computations. The original matrix can be recreated and translated.

While warning that the “writing tends to be somewhat dense and does not readily yield up its meaning to the reader” researchers have concluded that the body is dead but the tattoos are a living memory bank. The tattoos offer a series of directions on how to create and conjure a variety of machines to praise, serve and abuse in The Hermitage of The Worm God Zero. They employ ancient rituals, recipes and formulas made of fragmented tweets and postings, media and popular entertainment. It’s all the things that people are saying to each other through technology and face to face, and an ultra sophisticated, deliberate manipulation and recording of what is happening. It contains the things that are popular in your network and it shares your post and comments on your status:

Today is your birthday.

SUBCLUDED: The tattoos also contain mathematical formulas that demonstrate that individual behaviors directed at the attainment of distinctiveness can in fact produce complete social conformity and offer an unexpected generative mechanism for this central social phenomenon. Specifically, they establish that agents who have fixed needs to be distinct and adapt their positions to achieve distinctiveness goals, can nevertheless self-organize to a limiting state of absolute conformity. This seemingly paradoxical result is deduced formally from a small number of natural assumptions and is then explored at length computationally. Interesting departures from this conformity equilibrium are also possible, including divergence in positions. The effect of extremist minorities on these dynamics is discussed. A simple extension is then introduced, which allows the model to generate and maintain social diversity, including multimodal distinctiveness distributions. The tattoo contributes formal definitions, analytical deductions and counterintuitive findings to the literature on individual distinctiveness and social conformity.mathmodelhel





Today’s Bulletin: Many Sang Bible Verses

CCTV cameras revealed that a cheap swarm of racist, anti-gay mini-drones swarmed an event for black lesbians, injuring six and causing the event to be cancelled.


The drones, tiny, intelligent gliders called the “Cicada” but more formally known as the Covert Autonomous Disposable Aircraft, were deployed by a gang of white male micro-cops and are often used to generate some of the terror and hostility that maintains the trade routes between violent coercion and self-normalizing behavior that The Super Prison depends upon. Outfitted with cloned human eyes with surgically implanted Ocumetics Bionic Lenses, the drones have eyesight that is three times better than perfect. They are, essentially, a flying smartphone.

The conference, which was held to share awe-inspiring images of maps, was cancelled after the drones rampaged through the The Hotel District on Sunday chanting “Death to the Arabs” and other racist slogans. Some attacked bystanders and journalists and banged on the shutters of stores that had been ordered to close at midday. The drones formed an angry mob, which first turned on two women who held hands and then, with increasing frequency, attacked random bystanders and journalists. Many sang bible verses set to popular music, embellished to justify the existence of The Super Prison.

UPDATE: Due to the huge amount of abuse, the event will retreat to an undisclosed location where it plans to reform its core software so that the growing volume of abuse doesn’t again overwhelm the network. It may be held again within the year.

Today’s Bulletin: Paintings of Images

Paintings of images from the Gaia-ESO Spectroscopic Survey have been discovered on a 1.73-acre site in the middle of downtown Seoul. Archaeologists have deconvolved the paintings of images and found 37 signs of polar caps on Pluto.

Large and small, the images were originally constructed during the early part of Korea’s Joseon Dynasty, which lasted from 1392 until the colonization of the country by Japan in 1910 and, together, the images form a sociopolitical and economic environment that reveals the effect of trauma cue exposure on cocaine cravings among cocaine dependent inpatients with and without Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ERROR


But this archaeological dig found no alien stars in the main disc of The Milky Way – although they found plenty on more sedate orbits in the galaxy’s suburbs.

This suggests that PTSD is associated with increased cocaine cravings following a personalized trauma (but not a neutral) script, and, for men specifically, the experience of self-conscious emotions (shame and guilt) to the trauma script mediated the relationship between PTSD and cocaine cravings following trauma script exposure. The galaxy has been steadily gobbling smaller galaxies into its trauma script to ERROR ERROR accept a dehumanizing, fascist discourse ERROR

work in inhumane conditions, without work permits and safety regulations, and for very low wages

call the police to arrest

relocated to central camps

capital attacking labor

ERROR The excavations, led by the Cultural Heritage Administration, took place in the Jongno District, the capital city’s bustling financial and commercial section, and are believed to have uncovered an area inhabited by both aristocrats and commoners.